Begin Finding Clarity With These Five Steps

are you feeling chronic stress and body aches due to everyday life?

I Help People Cross The Bridge From Pain and Struggle to a Life of Ease

What Do You Need Help With Today?





Are you constantly fighting aches and pains that have no explanation?

Together we can identify ways to empower you to truly heal, instead of feeling better in the moment.

My name is Jaimee Mashula and I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor, Certified in the BodyMind Method©, and am currently working on getting my International Coaching Certification. When I founded Bodhi Massage & Wellness LLC, my goal was to help my clients in both body and mind.

In the years that I had practiced Massage Therapy prior to opening the doors to Bodhi, I had noticed that many times the aches and pains that my clients were experiencing were caused more from everyday life experiences, rather than from injuries.

While I worked with my clients, they would tell me the highs and lows in their lives and I could feel the tension mounting and easing with each story they told and I knew that even though they felt better when they left my office, once they returned to everyday life, the strain and tension would return, and they would be caught in this never-ending cycle.

My goal is to assist my clients work through the tension in their bodies, as well as, to assist them in finding alternative ways to live life that won't cause the cycle of tension and stress.

Most client attraction strategies being taught today just plain don’t work. Blogging. Podcasting. Grinding out articles and videos. All that stuff.

These are fine for building an audience, but they’re hopeless when it comes to enrolling new clients. The fact is there’s a huge difference between growing your audience, and growing your income.

I just had an amazing sales call,

I cannot wait for the next one! I was able to help my client step into her feminine energy and really visualize it.

Rachael Weaver

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Jaimee is helping me take care of myself and at the same time find myself.

Judy T.

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Let's work together

to help you find the balance that we all strive for in life.

Research has found that both emotional and physical pain light up the same centers in the brain, giving an emotional aspect to pain. As a result, with pain, there is always a physical and emotional experience. Over time, if you don't allow yourself to listen to your body and feel your feelings, you start to trap those emotional pains in your body. This can lead to something called Body Syndromes, where your feelings get stuck in certain places in your body.

With my help, you can begin to live in true alignment by learning how to manage stress, defeat the limiting thoughts that may swirl through your head and help you move forward to a life without pain.

I offer ongoing support to help you overcome any hurdles you may face. I have been down this journey myself, and I understand how important having that support can be.

Let's work together to get you to living a better, healthier and pain free life!

Located in the picturesque Frosty Hollow Bed & Breakfast, when you come for your session you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the space of total relaxation. This location allows you to truly take that time out for yourself, not just in the massage room, but take some time to explore the grounds or even schedule a night just for yourself!

Welcome to

With love,

Jaimee Mashula

Bodhi Massage & Wellness

Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2 in 1 day ever!

Sara Ceo

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- Clients Name

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