Begin Finding Clarity With These Five Steps

Hi there! I'm


I help my clients cross the bridge of pain and distress to a life of ease.

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You’re going to love it!

How My Journey


When my clients ask how I got into my work, I joke that my massage therapy career began as a child. I am the only child of a single mother who supported us through her nursing career. After her long hospital shifts, she would come home with a sore back, legs, feet, etc. and ask me to give her a "massage". At that age, giving my mom massages was more of a chore than something I thought that I would choose as a vocation. In fact, typically if I was given the choice of rubbing her back or doing the dishes, I usually chose to wash the dishes.

After high school, like many other graduates, I moved on to college. Because I had witnessed my mom leave for work each evening with the intention of wanting to do the best for her patients and come home each morning (she typically worked the night shift) tired and sore, I saw the toll that this type of work did on her body and realized that though I did want to do something to help others, I did not want to go into the medical profession.

Throughout my life, I had experienced many highs and lows mentally and emotionally, that now I know to understand were early forms of my Generalized Anxiety Disorder and, despite the fact that, at the time, I did not know exactly what was happening to me I knew that I was different and wanted to help others who faced the same types of struggles. As a result, I decided to study psychology with the intention of becoming a Social Worker.

Life, on the other hand, had different plans. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to return to finish my final year of school. When this happened, I entered the corporate world at a nationwide company whose corporate office was near my hometown.

Obstacles Turn Into


After being employed in the corporate world for some time, the company that I worked for went out of business. I took another position in State College, PA, but shortly after I began working there, I realized that I was no longer cut out for the corporate rat race.

Around that time, a friend and I had attended a ladies night at one of the restaurants in Downtown State College. The event offered chair massages and other pampering activities. While I was getting my chair massage, I began talking with the therapist and asking her about her education. She proceeded to tell me about the Mount Nittany Institute of Natural Health and all the different curriculums that they offered.

My conversation with the therapist piqued my interest and one afternoon, I decided to stop by the school to investigate further. The second I walked into the building; I knew that I belonged there. I met with the director, the gentleman who helped with financial aid, and I registered myself to begin later that fall to begin a two-year weekend massage therapy certification program.

A year into my massage therapy education, I experienced a medical issue. This issue was not severe, but significant enough to realize that, even though I had magnificent people in my new life, it was not the same type of support that I would have from my family at home. As a result, I packed up my apartment and moved back to Potter County.

Once I moved back home, I accepted an office position with a local chiropractor where I had worked through the week and continued to commute to State College to complete my certification. After I received my certification, I was able to begin treating patients in the chiropractic office.

Begin Finding Clarity With These Five Steps

curiosity hook goes here... curiosity hook goes here... curiosity hook goes here...

Taking a Leap of


Working in the chiropractic office, my main goal was treating the physical body. I knew all the bones and muscles and how they were supposed to work, but something they don't teach you about in massage school is the connections that you form with clients and the stories you begin to hear.

In the first few years of practice, as my skills were sharpening, I began to recognize that many clients were coming to see me time after time with the same complaint and I felt like I was failing them by not helping them. Then, I recognized while in conversation with them that I could feel their bodies tensing up when different topics arose. That is when I realized that the pain, they were experiencing was a side effect of the stress they were holding in their body.

Once I realized that my clients were in a cycle of pain and distress, I knew that I wanted to do something more to help them. As a student of yoga for a number of years, I knew that it had been quite beneficial to me in quieting my
mind and managing my anxiety. So, in 2017, I began a bi-monthly commute to Erie, PA for a year and a half to get my yoga and meditation certifications.

As much as I loved both my job and the patients in the chiropractic office, I realized that my new perspective in helping clients did not align well there. As a result, I decided to take a leap of faith, created a home-based office, and left the chiropractic office in 2018. This became the birth of Bodhi Massage & Wellness LLC. My goal was to merge the physical effects of bodywork with the mental benefits of yoga and meditation. As I began doing this work, I continued to feel that there was still a piece of the puzzle missing, I just could not figure out what it was.

Then Along Came


Then, along came Covid in 2020. I am very much a person who enjoys learning new things and taking classes, so during the shutdown, I began looking further into a program that I had flagged for myself months prior. This was the program for the BodyMind Method© and as I investigated into it further, I realized that THIS was the missing puzzle piece I had been looking for. I contacted the organization, went through the interview process and was accepted into the program. The BodyMind Method© taught me how to create a container of support and how to hold space to allow my clients find the alignment and ease in their lives that they are looking for, while using the modalities that I am trained in.

Using this method, I can provide the support that my clients need to help them find the correlation of how what is happening in their body can be related to what is currently happening in their lives. I can aid them in pinpointing the areas in their life that are out of balance and help them find alignment with themselves. I get the fulfillment of knowing that I can help clients find lasting solutions.


Full Circle

Since Covid, I have begun integrating the BodyMind Method© into my massage practice and I feel as though I have come full circle. I get the opportunity to help people in a way that I had similarly intended, but now with more life experience under my belt.

Those who have stepped into full programs with me have left their container of support feeling much more at peace in all areas of their lives. I feel honored to be the one that people entrust their life struggles with and get excited as I watch them move into a more easeful life and feel better in all aspects.


Creating Your Methodology

In the time since Covid, I have also continued my massage therapy education, contributed articles to the BodyMind Living Blog, wrote a chapter in a collaborative book called Claiming Coach, guested on podcasts, moved my office location outside of my home, and began working towards getting my International Coaching Certification.

One of my core values in life is connection and I truly hope we get a chance to connect soon!

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Jaimee is helping me take care of myself and at the same time find myself.

Judy T.

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Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a

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Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a